The best thing about the human population is that we collectively wait until the start of a new year to light a fire under our asses.
I don’t know about you, but when I was a kid, I thought that by the year 2020 we’d be teleporting, time traveling, and operating self driving cars. I know Tesla’s already dabbling in some of that, but I don't know why. I actually like driving. Are people really that lazy? I know it's all about the latest and greatest technology, but I don't trust Elon Musk for shit. Anyways...
2019 was one of the best years of my life. With a statement that dramatic, you probably think I went sky-diving or saved the world. Boringly enough, I spent time with my friends and family, I went to concerts, cooked more, and grew my record collection. I did all of the things that I've been doing for a long time now, but this year was noticeably everlasting because I was really happy. Most of the time, that’s all it takes (sprinkled with a dash of mindfulness). If you're not a zen bitch, mindfulness is the act of being in the present moment. You should try it sometime.
I owe most of this ever so glorious year to the company that I spent it with. If you hung out with me in 2019 - Just know that you made my year, and that I love you very much.
I want to welcome 2020 and the start of a new decade with a list of goals that are actually attainable. The beginning of a new year is the time to be motivated, yet realistic. Don’t set yourself up to fail by telling yourself you’ll go to the gym 7x a week when you know in your heart that you won’t. Be real! It’s okay, I promise.
Here are a few of my real resolutions. I would love to know some of yours.
1. Be in bed by 10:30 pm on work nights — Why is it that I fight to keep my eyes open after midnight when I know damn well that my ass needs to be up in 6 hours? Time to quit that. This one should be easy enough.
2. Drink more water — Again, this should be an easy one. Not sure why I need to remind myself that I need water to survive. Working on this. Skin gods - I will come for you if my skin doesn’t clear after jUsT dRiNkInG wAtEr.
3. Save money — Time to stop “treating myself“ to Dig Inn 3x a week.
4. Try one new thing each month — Whether it be trying a new food, going to a new place, learning a new sport or how to play a new instrument, let’s get diverse. Let’s learn more. Let's never stop experiencing new things. We’re capable of so much, and we forget because our heads are in our phones or staring at a screen from 9-5 (or both).
Life is too short to make 2020 anything less than beautiful.
Now, are you with me?